

A full-time traveling family of five.

FlytheBackRoads 님의 목표는 매주 US$250.00 만큼을 받는 것입니다.
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Too many families become disconnected from one another through work, school, errands, friends, technology, clubs, hobbies, and more. There are so many distractions, and not enough hours in a day. This family of five decided to work towards a new goal, and minimalized their 10 year, 3000 sq ft life into a 10x10 storage unit, and a 17ft KZ Easy Spree. Through the use of photography, videos, vlogging, and more - We want to share how a stationary home isn't necessary to have a happy home, and that a traveling lifestyle can be a catalyst for a closer family dynamic. The Flythes are planning to Fly the Back Roads!

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