
Em Tee Vee

EmTee Reads and Em Tee Vee are passion projects, and donations help us in many ways!

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Hi! You made it here because, I guess, you'd like to support us - well, thank you so much!

If you somehow got to this page without going through our channels, we (Emtee and The Violet Bombshell) produce a variety of gaming content, audiobooks and amateur acapella videos, all in a mostly "wholesome" (as we've been told) way that tries to embrace our quirks and oddities.

If you want to buy us some new beard and hair colours, a cup of coffee or a month's WoW/ERPG subscription, we'd be eternally grateful.

(seriously, if you donate and put in a preference for a colour, we'll do our best to make it happen in a future video!)

Donations will largely go towards funding improved recording equipment - setting up a better space, purchasing proper editing software (all audio is currently edited using Audacity, and all Video using DaVinci Studio Free Edition) and the like. We'd like to keep improving our quality for you.


Emtee 님은 2년 전에 가입했습니다.

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