

I am always happy to get support

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Hello I am Luc, I work on several opensource projects, my main projects are ESP3D, ESP3DLib and ESP3D-WEBUI.

ESP3D firmware is used on ESP8266/ESP32 boards to bring wireless features to 3D printers ad CNC.

ESP3D firmware and its WebUI allow not only to have a cheap bridge between Wifi and serial, but also to have an interface to configure wifi, to monitor 3D printer and even control it, and to make things easy, UI is fully customizable without reflashing FW.

ESP3D should be able to communicate with any 3D printer firmware (repetier/marlin/smoothieware using GCODE) if serial connection has a correct setup.

As need to always test new hardware to bring news features, I hope your sponsoring will help me to get them ^_^

Thank you 😸

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