

Hello and welcome to United & Co's Liberapay!

DutchComputerKid 님의 목표는 매주 €5.00 만큼을 받는 것입니다.
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Hello! My name is Hayden/Q, owner of UNITED & Co. UNITED & Co is a multi-community network originally created by me all the way back in 2013. Our goal was to have a safe space for all our friends to play games in and chat. This still remains the same to this day.

Nowadays, we have our own server providing 4+ communities with computing power. So far it has all been paid by me out of my own pocket but that is an unsustainable model. The systems are degrading and upkeep is getting harder. If anyone of you can ship in keeping the boat floating, that would be great.

We provide webhosting, a streaming service, a secure URL and more.

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