
David Nelson

Support Dave's Open Source tools made freely available to the general public

DavidNelson 님은 4 명으로부터 매주 €2.75 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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I maintain a number of Open Source tools that I make available free-of-charge to people, notably: Dalek Zone, an instance on the PeerTube federated video publishing network; Burnout Café, an instance on the Mastodon federated micro-blogging network; Collaboration Café, a Nextcloud content storage and collaboration hub; Conference Café, a Jitsi-powered privacy-centric audio/video conferencing platform; Code Collaboration Café, a Gitea-based git repository hub.

The hosting costs me 50 euros per month, and I would be really grateful if you could help me out with that by making a donation. All funds go entirely to paying the server hosting.

In return, you can get technical assistance from me for any of the tools, and can get an account on those tools that are not open to self-service registration at this time: Collaboration Café (Nextcloud), Conference Café (Jitsi Meet) and Code Collaboration Café (Gitea).

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DavidNelson 님은 9개월 전에 가입했습니다.

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