

I am a full time artist

DanielsBlossom 님의 목표는 매주 US$169.18 만큼을 받는 것입니다.
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Hi and welcome to my page.

My name is Daniel and I am a full time artist working and living in South Africa.

Art supplies are expensive and sometimes the bills pile up as I try to juggle both, this is never easy to admit but I do need help from time to time.

I love what I do and would also love the idea of having an income that will cover some of my bills on a monthly basis.

I am a self thought artist and my dominant medium is paper.

My inspiration comes from life, love, nature, politics, news, and everything that surrounds me in life.

I am a quiet person that enjoys the company of myself.

My work expresses things that are very obvious and recognizable to everyone but with a twist.

I see my self as an artist experimenting with lots of different materials creating work that are unexpected and different.


DanielsBlossom 님은 3년 전에 가입했습니다.

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