

Clans Chess Board Game

Dakorius369 님은 0 명으로부터 매주 €0.00 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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It is a game about 5 Japanese clans which are existing until these days. The focus of the game is on which clans will be faster and get traditional samurai relics. If you want to know which are there... you can join the Clans Chess, please.... The game can be played with two to five players. Players can kick each other out, and they can also dare to step onto the black field. That field can bring them rewards, but also punishment. That field can allow them to get to the goal faster, but it can take them out of the game. If three or more players are playing, then the third player waiting for their turn to play plays with the winner of the first round. The fourth player who is waiting for his turn to play plays with the winner of the second round and so on until everyone has lined up. When a player picks up a certain card, then he places a certain token on the field that represents the card he drew, and that field is occupied until the end of the game. The game has simple rules as the samurai rules are simple but effective. The game board and all accessories maintain a note of simplicity. This can be a cooperative game or a competitive game. It all depends on the character of the player. Players can get each other out of the way or help each other and share the samurai treasure. In this game, players show their character. There are no wrong choices. Potential donors are invited to express their opinion: do they like the 3D-printed plastic game or do they prefer the classic hard paper system?


Dakorius369 님은 2년 전에 가입했습니다.

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