

Medical doctor that likes to do a lot of geeky stuff in my spare time.

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In the medical field main interests are in Emergency Medicine and the field of Toxocology. Currently working at the ER of a local hospital or as a medic at primarily electronic dance parties / raves.

Geeky stuff consists but is not limited to self-hosting and overcomplicating my life way more than I probably should by averaging about 80 active docker containers at any given time. Besides that I like managing my 5 terabyte FLAC collection I scraped together over the past 5 years or so. One could also find me as a moderator on various (primarily drug and substance related) SubReddits, running the (currently strongest actually which I guarantee you probably is no longer true at the time you are reading that) overall chess bot on Lichess), keeping one of the larger TOR-exit nodes online for users of that network and currently find myself really (really) liking AI but at the same time have to deal with the fact it's pretty much complicated to a point where most of it is going way over my head :p

Nice to meet you!

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