

Chip To Chip (The Hub)

CrashOveride 님은 0 명으로부터 매주 US$0.00 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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Chip to Chip is a Bulletin Board System (BBS)'s

Years ago, long before the internet was a 'thing' as a 16 year old, BBS's were may way of escaping the real world, taking on a new c00l online personna, learning the world of the l33t.

One of the BBS's I used at the time was called "Chip to Chip" and although I was never a SYSOP, I was active on many boards with many different aliases.

So I setup a new 'Chip to Chip' in memory of that time, your donation will help with the server costs of managing the board, and my ability to create unique new things for the board, in a very retro style.

Donators who are also BBS members will have a special page on the board to thank them for their contributions.


CrashOveride 님은 4개월 전에 가입했습니다.

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