
Chris the Bard

Geeky, subversive folk singer; minstrel of the many.

ChrisTheBard 님은 0 명으로부터 매주 CA$0.00 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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Hey I'm Chris; geeky, subversive folk singer; minstrel of the many.

You can access my various platforms through my Linktree.

I write music that is often geeky (FILK), folk and or quite subversive. I'm getting ready to launch my music and other content on easy access or pay what you can platforms like YouTube, BandCamp and others. I will make my lyrics and chord sheets available to any unsigned performer.

I'm choosing this route because I don't want finances to prevent anyone from hearing or playing my music, but I would greatly benefit from making some income off of what I release. I also really don't believe in the long term benevolence of any shareholder owned entity so I'm excited to try a non-profit platform like this one and hopefully contribute to its growth.

With this support I hope to generate more and more content (music, video demos, poetry readings and interviews of poets, social/political commentary et al. Financial support would help me to do this by improving mental health/decreasing stress levels, it would give me a body of followers to critique, guide and influence what projects to take on and it would allow me to choose the work I do outside of music based on how well it utilizes my skills, makes an impact and other far superior factors than 'does it pay bills.'

If you would like to know more about me please visit one of my content pages (listed below) or just message me with any questions.

~Thank you~

YouTube - _ - _ - BandCamp - _ - _ - Instagram - _ - _ - FaceBook


ChrisTheBard 님은 3년 전에 가입했습니다.

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