

Castrating and feeding cats

CatsInCroatia 님은 0 명으로부터 매주 €0.00 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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For the last 2 years, i have been trying to fight the war on hungry cats all over my city in Croatia. There are tons of them, and i try to castrate male ones, and sterilize female ones to limit the amount of cats in the city. I would really appreciate some help with this, since the expense on the cat food has been going up and antibiotics for sick ones with it all i am not able to sustain it by myself. https://imgur.com/a/HQc92Tg https://imgur.com/JUiIE2L https://imgur.com/Adm492w https://imgur.com/uyUXZbQ https://imgur.com/UheySlr https://imgur.com/4XU5NXw https://imgur.com/jsIVcOG https://imgur.com/3Gub6Yk https://imgur.com/Y0nPxXW https://imgur.com/2bAtTw5


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