

I author the speculative evolution project "Planet Cat Sanctuary".

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I am working on a speculative evolution project called "Planet Cat Sanctuary".

Speculative evolution is a genre focusing on imagining how life might evolve under specific, fictional circumstances.

Planet Cat Sanctuary is a story about an alien planet that was seeded with Earth life in ancient human history. After a disaster, all human life and megafauna larger than the viviparous lizard was wiped out on land leaving a very minimalistic ecosystem. Later, in the not too distant future from our time, it was visited once again by a single human who settled with his many cats, birds and rabbits. Thus, cats became the dominant predator after his passing. The project focuses on the evolution of not just cats, but all kinds of life on the planet.

This is a passion project that takes much time and energy with no material reward and is years in the making. Any small assistance is greatly appreciated in keeping this project going.


CatNine 님은 2년 전에 가입했습니다.

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