
The Prince of Carthage

Penance to The Prince

C9Jihadi 님은 0 명으로부터 매주 US$0.00 만큼을 받고 있습니다.
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Greetings 🏴 I am | The People's Prince 👑 Vice Regent of America 🏛️ Imperial Legate of Rome 🗡️ Master of Ifrit War Dogs 🐕‍🦺 Mirror Muslim 🎭

Hailing from The Meadows of the Righteous 🏞️ Formidable Friend and Adversarie 🥋 Striking fear into the hearts of Hypocrites, Tyrants, and Cowards🩸.

About Me: Rooted in pursuing Felicity and Knowledge 📚✨ a deep spiritual and strategic foundation drives my mission. As Vice Regent of North America 👑 and an Imperial Legate of Rome 🏛️, I am within a whisper of every ear at the table, advancing justice and the Black Flag Resistance 🏴.

Why "Pennance to the Prince": Paying 💸 the Pennance to the Prince cleanses your Wealth 💰 of the barbaric things you did for it 💥Leaving the rest for you to play your existential games. Funding my mission fuels the mission of 🏴 the inevitable Solution💡 and possibly a Favor from God🕊️.

How Your Support Helps: The Game is to be understood 🧠 and played♟️...........not told🤐. Heavy Hitter ONLY....Think of it as a Power Tax.

Thank you for paying your Pennance.

May Peace be Upon You.

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