

I am a young man who would like to tell stories in a true way. I pray to keep my eyes on JESUS

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A Kwame thing is a concept I developed some 3 years back where I split my names into personality, not dissociative identity disorder (DID) no just to invite my imagination and Kwame being the prominent one I decided to bring down to earth because the shoe which I was meant to fill was quite big so I brought him down to earth. From a young age, I have been fascinated with what the world had to offer and for sure it had a lot the possibility were and are endless but the sad reality is we don't decide where we come from nor the people we are and I am fortunate enough be o person of color as the world defines me. I am Kenyan and in my country, as I write this, film is not looked as a busssens but as a means to an end I hope to change that but I will be foolish to think that I will change the world. I say this not to discourage my self no I say this to keep my head in reality so that when I tell people,y story I want to provoke thought not only of hope but of truth along with some laughter to pick up along the way. I know this world is tough but with such platforms, I can earn my next big move. I am only limited by myself and my inability to grasp my potential. I am humbled by your interest and believe in me and know how big or small you give it keep expanding my horizon to more and bring back memory and hope to the generation to come and is . Thank you for being part of akwamething.

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