
Shaughn Martel

Process Based New Media Artist, Sound Designer, Writer and FOSS Advocate

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Being an advocate for FOSS, I'm naturally critical of things I enjoy in the interest of learning more, and making it easier for others to learn as well. My ADHD helps me sort this out with understanding what information is important for quick, and clear communication for achieving learning objectives with neurodiverse individuals. You want people to use your new FOSS project. I want to use it and support you, but as someone so new.....I need clear instructions, and this is often a very large problem with software developers. I often post on Mastodon with #TechForNormalPeople

Artist Bio: Shaughn Martel is a queer and non-binary new media artist currently practicing in Toronto, Canada. Based on meeting technology on its own terms and working from a "data first" material process of images and video. Using Hauntology: the concept of lost and emerging future threads, their work uses motion and glitch elements for transition between urban realism and wildlife. With the use of hybrid camera techniques, 3D animation, physics simulations, and historic VFX language, their video work is a call to warning, investigation and speculation of media literacy, and positive futures. In 2023 Shaughn was awarded the Nora E. Vaughn Award and graduated with honors from OCAD University with a BFA in Integrated Media. In 2022, they were the first recipient of the James Bailey Award through NAISA North.

You can also see my work at https://shaughn-martel.format.com/ or https://bit-form.bandcamp.com/music

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