
Joshua Garwood

Creating a fantasy/steampunk series for audio...and someday animation!

Beakes_Diaries 님의 목표는 매주 £250.00 만큼을 받는 것입니다.
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I'm an actor and a writer currently working on season 1 of an audio series called Beake's Diaries. The series will be available for free online and will air in September 2021. I'm incredibly passionate about this story and nothing will stop me from producing it and sharing it with the world, however it is a very time intensive process. I am the writer, the editor, the producer and play several of the main characters and so I'm incredibly grateful for any financial support as this allows me to spend less time doing office work and more time CREATING!

Beake's Diaries is an irreverant adventure thriller, following the life of Horrationald Beake as he lies and cheats his way across the Braugo-Helvian Empire. The series takes place in a fantasy world at the dawn of their industrial revolution. As a result, the battle between old and new, traditional and inventive, magic and technology is a constant theme throughout these stories.

We follow Horrationald Beake, and impoverished nobleman desperately trying to win his lands back. In this current series, after betraying his barbarian in-laws, Beake takes refuge in the dark and dangerous city of Margue. Comitting every possible moral infraction along the way, he accidentally becomes embroiled in a plot to overthrow te city and cause a civil war in the Republic.

This series promises to have intrigue, danger and dark irreverent humour. The character of Beake is a classic anti-hero, encapsulating the snooty wit of a Victorian dandy, a trickster-like cunning and the temperament of a spoilt child.


Beakes_Diaries 님은 3년 전에 가입했습니다.

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