

I'm an independant queer developper, artist & activist

Austreelis 님의 목표는 매주 €30.00 만큼을 받는 것입니다.
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As an intersectional feminist and a neurodiverhent transfeminin person, I vowed to educate people and share reflections on anarchy, ecology, psychophobia, gender abolition, spirituality, etc... and of course feminism; through art and software.

Please consider donating to support my work in development of Free & Open Source software, or in photography. I make all source code and images freely available online.

You may also order me prints of my pictures, or a serigraphy of them. I can even make you custom serigraphy prints ! There is no set price for any orders, you are free to give whatever is meaningful to you. You may give as much as you want to support my work.


  • Art (general): medalynn@art.austreelis.net
    • Serigraphy (info & orders): serif@art.austreelis.net
    • Photography (info & orders): photo@art.austreelis.net
  • Software (general): austreelis@dev.austreelis.net
    • Enquiries & consultance: collab@dev.austreelis.net

It's okay to mix-up email addresses don't worry if you sent an email to the wrong one ! It's all going to the same inbox anyway, and it just takes a tiny bit of time to rearrange things up on my side ✨💜.


Austreelis 님은 1년 전에 가입했습니다.

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