
Artillery Voo

Comics creator Clownworld Chronicles and Woke antidote

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Hi, my name is Jef McDonald and Im a Graphic Artist who makes comics and art. I am mainly interested in science fiction and horror but in the last few years ive also been making comics about wokery (or should that be counter-wokery) and the collective West's fall into tyranny and censorship. Currently, I'm writing a series of short story comics for a book titled "The Clownworld Chronicles". A future-world parody for the climate change dissidents, mask-refuseniks, vax$ine heretics, anyone pullin for Pootin and zick of Elensky or even just Unofficial biology believers. If any of that sounds good to you please BuyMeACoffee or become a Subscriber.

You can also Follow me and subscribe on these platforms

Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-5829078

Substack: https://artilleryvoo.substack.com

Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/artilleryvoo


ArtilleryVoo 님은 5개월 전에 가입했습니다.

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