
The First Pointer

0x1a Server Hosting

0x1a 님의 목표는 매주 AU$10.00 만큼을 받는 것입니다.
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0x1a.ro is a file hosting service. We utilise a no nonsense service where you can upload files via a web form, or via curl on the command line. All funds for this team will be used for server hosting & purchasing more storage so we can continue to serve your files.


As with our other services, we value your privacy, and will not intervene unless required. (Request removal, DMCA, etc)

We are using Cloudflare for their caching & reducing bandwidth on our backend server(s). We have whitelists enabled, and will never turn on the javascript captcha. If you experience a JS captcha please let me know ASAP.

Update: May-2022 We have removed Cloudflare as their maximum POST was 100mb, which honestly was not enough for hosting! Currently I have a budget of 5TB/month which is enough for the foreseeable future. (If we hit our current donation goal $10/week) I'll be purchasing 3 new servers to facilitate extra growth!


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